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About Me

Welcome to my personal web page! My name is Yi-Yang Lin, and I'm a computer science professional with a passion for using engineering to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions...


Google LLC

Engineering Intern · Full-time

- Pixel RF, Software Engineering
- Designed Python Script for connecting C++ Configuration files, inputting to signaling equipment.
- Implemented infrastructure tools Piper, google3, Critique for designing Python Script, connecting input data for Pixel RF testing equipment.
- Utilized SQL querying data from Spanner database to generate combo key data structures.

Intel Corporation

Wireless Driver Validation Engineer · Full-time

- Implement and maintain HW/SW regression validation tools
- Automation Framework Infrastructure
- Intel Wireless Adapter Driver Validation

Army Communication Electronics Information Training Center

Signaller - Army Signal Corps

- Military strategy
- Mobile communications infrastructure
- Computer Network Approach
- Mobile microwave communication system

Computer Science Learning Center at UW-Madison

CS Tutor · Part-time

- Discussed with tutors in educational pedagogy and general teaching practices within weekly seminars
- Tutored 50+ students on CS course programming projects in Java and discuss tutoring improvement with staff
- Recorded YouTube video demonstrating Makefile instructions, helping students understand concepts in programming class

BETTER - Cup Rental System - Student startup

Software Technician

- Maintained cup rental system to solve the mass waste problem of disposable cups cooperated with merchants
- Worked in a diverse group consists of students from different cultures and backgrounds


Boston University

Sep 2022 - May 2024

Master of Science in Computer Science

Courses -

Advanced Programming Techniques - Biometrics - Computer Language Theory - Graduate Operating Systems - Health Informatics - Health Information Systems - Mobile Application Development with Android - Server-Side Web Development - Software Design and Patterns - Web Application Development

Member of Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honor Society

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Sep 2018 - May 2022

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Courses -

Artificial Intelligence - Algorithm - Building User Interfaces - Computer Engineering - Computer Graphics - CS Education - Data Structure - Database Management Systems - Data Programming - Machine Organization - Operating Systems - Software Engineering

Bellevue College

Sep 2016 - Jun 2018

Associate of Arts and Sciences in Computer Science with Distinction
Member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Concordia Middle School

- Jun 2015

High School Diploma


Iris Recognition in CNN ResNet

Explored the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN)to enhance iris image recognition, building on the foundational work of John Daugman and Libor Masek.

Integrated the preprocessing techniques and advanced models in ResNet to improve the accuracy of iris recognition

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Electronic Health Record System

A simple healthcare system application has been developed for use by physicians, hospital staff, and potential patients.

Allows users to perform various functions, including creating, updating, and deleting calendar events, as well as managing patient information and messaging.

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OpenAI Chatbot Integration

Developed a real-time web chat application integrating OpenAI's GPT-4 model OpenAI API, deployed using serverless functions on AWS Amplify, Lambda, API Gateway.

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FitnessTrack - Android Mobile App

Health record-keeping Android application that allows users to record the food items they eat at each meal and assign a health rating to each one.

Record all of the nutritional information for our meals in one place, including the date and healthiness rating of each ingredient.

Help us manage our diet in conjunction with our personal workout routines.

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Social Media Video Downloader

Web crawler is designed to download videos from video platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, based on given keywords and links

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WiscShop - Virtual Assistant Agent in Dialogflow

Built a conversational shopping assistant, serving as development of intents and entities of Dialogflow implementation.

Users can request navigation, purchasing by asking Assistant Agent.

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Fitness Tracker - React Native Mobile App

Designed a fitness tracking mobile app in react native, expo, and RESTful APIs, specifically, building essential screens for a fitness tracking application.

Users can store health information on server by mobile devices

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React User Interface - Course Guide System

Built a online course selection ueser interface system and implemented completed course rating system.

Created Recommended courses to user based on like and dislike interests.

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User Interface - Badger Shop

Built a E-commerce with design thinking to practice visual design methods to improve upon front-end

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3D Graphics Town & Helicopters

Graphic design in THREE.js for creating 3D object animations and applying Bezier curve to track motions.

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A web application helps user deciding wearing outfits by uploading physical clothing pictures into virtual wardrobe.

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Meal Plan Analysis

A meal database system with Graphics user interface that users can build their analyzed food list and output their plan.

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Buffer Manager - B+ Tree Index Manager C++

Built a structure on top of the pages that get from the I/O Layer to the nodes of the B+ tree.

Utilized indices stored in its data in a file on disk, creating a disk image of the index file.

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Personal Bio Website

Created personal bio website that uses the API technologies.

Hosted the project on netlify service by defining HTML, CSS, JS including Function Expressions, Function Declarations, Anonymous Functions, Arrow Functions.

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